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“O advento da internet trouxe consigo inumeráveis alegações de que vivemos uma revolução sem precedentes na comunicação, revolução tal que aniquilou nossa concepção da distância. No entanto, a revolução real veio com a chegada do telégrafo no século 19”, diz Susan Schulten, no New York Times, no início de um artigo que analisa as consequências dessa invenção para a sociedade (governo, negócios) como um todo.
Destaco o trecho em que ela fala sobre o jornalismo:
Perhaps the most consequential adoption of the telegraph was in journalism. (…) By 1860 the Associated Press was distributing its news not just in New York but around the country, and this practice began to transform the very meaning of news. Local papers now had the capacity to report national events to their readers in a timely manner, so that “the news” gradually came to connote not just events, but events happening at almost that very moment. Prior to the telegraph, the distribution of news was regulated by the speed of the mail, but now news was potentially both instantaneous and simultaneous.
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